
The Tree Guru offers extensive professional tree services, including :


Hazard Tree Evaluation, Based On The Visual Tree Assessment (VTA).

Evaluating the safety of trees, particularly within playground, parking or other high risk areas.


Identifying and treating diseases, fungus and insect issues.

If a leaf fungus, or insect infestation is affecting your tree let the Tree Guru assess the problem and suggest proper scientifically driven solutions.


Tree Reports.

Reports can be drafted to support legal action, and to confirm the diagnosis of a trees' condition.


Treating English Oak Trees.

The Tree Guru John Parker has mastered the identification of tree stress, and has perfected a treatment for the various fungal, insect and nutrition relation issues that English Oak Trees suffer from in Southern Africa.  With great success. 



The Tree Guru can manage your landscape project from specification to completion, sourcing suitably trained and qualified people to do the job right.


Specialist Advice.

The Tree Guru has a team of highly qualified associates and professors both locally and abroad, including agronomists, entomologists, fungus specialists, plant pathologists, root horticulture specialists and soil scientists, who can be called upon to give specific specialised solutions.


Conflict Resolution And Expert Testimony

Has a tree become a source of conflict? The Tree Guru can act as a mediator between parties and assist in dispute resolution and even provide expert witness testimony when required.

